miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011


1    Choose ALL the correct answers. Then tick the sentences where the relative pronoun can be omitted.

        1.    I saw the film who / which / that you told me about.

        2.    We ate at Mike's café, who / which / that has the best pancakes.

        3.    The programme who / which / that you are watching is boring.

        4.    My mother is visiting my grandmother, who / which / that lives in a nursing home.

        5.    Anyone who / which / that wants to enter the zoo must buy a ticket.

        6.    Helen bought a new car who / which / that was made in Japan.

        7.    The student who / which / that you were speaking to was obviously very smart.

2    Complete the sentences with the relative pronouns below.

who • which • where • when • whose

1.    Can you tell me the name of the street ……………… Amy lives?

2.    Brad Pitt, ……………… is an American actor, has starred in over 35 films.

3.    My mother works with a woman ……………… husband is the star of a TV programme.

4.    He speaks Italian in addition to Portuguese, ……………… is his first language.

5.    I met him last summer ……………… I worked at the summer camp.

3    Write sentences with the words below. Add commas when necessary.

1.    he / I / that / love / the gift / gave / me


2.    cousin / dentist / married / my / is / Dr Jones / a / who


3.    prefers / which / She / are / products / environmentally-friendly


4.    the man / dog / bit / That / whose / me / is


5.    year / was / stayed / Grand Hotel / nice / The / where / very / we / last


6.    when / women / There / vote / a time / couldn't / was


    Combine the sentences using a relative pronoun. Make any necessary changes.

1.    My neighbour won the gardening prize. His garden is beautiful.


2.    He misses his house. It was destroyed in the fire.


3.    Leonid Stadnyk is the tallest man in the world. He lives in the Ukraine.


4.    He returned to visit the town. He was born there.


5.    Ana Segon is the company secretary. She is bilingual.


6.    Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is in the Himalayan mountains.


7.    He decided to visit London. His friend is studying there.


5    Complete the sentences. Add a relative pronoun and a suitable ending.

1.    She really likes the teacher      .

2.    They've opened a new shop      .

3.    He was born in a town      .

4.    2000 was the year      .

6    Complete the passage with suitable relative pronouns.

Washoe, (1) ……………… was the first non-human to learn to speak a human language, was a chimpanzee. The language (2) ……………… she learned, was American Sign Language (ASL).

Washoe was born in 1965 in West Africa, (3) ……………… she was captured. She was later taken to the USA for research. Washoe lived with two scientists, Allen and Beatrice Gardner, (4) ……………… goal was to teach her to communicate. She was named after Washoe County, Nevada, (5) ……………… the Gardners raised and taught her. Washoe was using over 250 signs by October 2007, (6) ……………… she died at the age of 42.

martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008

Professor Grammar

Watch this video. Professor Grammar says "There's a rule for everything". Write a new entry in your blogs with the title: "There is a rule for everything" and answer these questions:
  1. What rule does Professor Grammar refer to?
  2. What does OPSHACOM stand for? (Each letter means one thing)
  3. Go to the following page (click here) and take the test.

martes, 4 de marzo de 2008

Song: Thank God It's Friday

Click here and roll down the page until you find the song Thank God It's Friday. This is one of my favourites. Apart from practising the days of the week you can also listen to some good music. By the way, the band's name is The Cure. Really good stuff.

Game: Who's my Valentine?

Click here and play the game. It is very easy and entertaining, follow the instructions and practise your vocabulary for describing people. If you want to revise that vocabulary, here is a useful list:
Word List

I am / You are / He is / She is …
overweight, fat
… years old.
beautiful / pretty (Woman), handsome (Man)
I have / You have / He has / She has (got) …
blue / green / grey / brown eyes
a beard
a full beard
a moustache
a goatee
a stubbly beard
blond hair
red hair
brown hair
black hair
dyed hair
blond highlights
short hair
long hair
straight hair
curly hair / curls
a bald head
a square / round / triangular / oval face
a big / small / long nose
big / small ears

Clothing and Accessories
I wear / You wear / He wears / She wears …
contact lenses
I am wearing / You are wearing / He/She is wearing …
a necklace
a wristband
a bracelet
a cap
a red scarf
a tie

I am / You are / He is / She is …

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2008


Hace unas semanas, nos visitaron los del Club de las Ideas. La idea era hacer ver a la comunidad educactiva la experiencia innovadora que se está llevando a cabo en nuestro centro en el Aula Específica. Podeis ver el reportaje visitando el siguiente blog,http://galiant.blogspot.com/ aunque intentaré subir el video también.

La verdad es que, aunque el reportaje está bien y muestra los que se hace en el aula, faltó la crítica que desde el centro hemos hecho en varias instancias porque los alumnos no encuentran salidas laborales. Es más, una vez visto el programa la impresión que uno extrae es que encuentran trabajo fácilmente. Que se lo pregunten a Sergio, el primer alumno que acabó el Programa de Transición a la Vida Adulta y está todavía esperando esa oportunidad laboral...

En cualquier caso, creo que todos los profes que trabajan en el Proyecto merecían, por lo menos, tener su minuto de gloria. Enhorabuena compañeros.

martes, 26 de febrero de 2008

Present Perfect (I)

Click on the link and do the activities. Then copy the results and create a new entry called "Present Perfect (I)" with the copy of your test results.

Click here.